Energy savings for owners, managers and tenants.
Custom Designed Multifamily Solutions
SEEL creates custom-designed multifamily energy improvement programs with implementation strategies that fit our clients’ specific needs. We take a holistic approach to program design, and provide incentives that draw strong engagement from tenants as well as property managers and owners.
Energy Savings and Customer Satisfaction
SEEL builds programs that deliver energy savings and customer satisfaction, incorporating one-on-one energy consultations, education savings measures, and direct installation of energy efficient products.
Comprehensive Energy Programs
Individual programs, which are customized for utilities and other clients, can encompass multiple elements:
Lead generation and program qualification
Initial energy assessments
Holistic energy audits
Trade ally engagement and management
Direct measure installation
Rebate processing
Post-inspection QA/QC
Educating Customers on the Benefits of Program Participation
At SEEL, we place an emphasis on educating property owners, property managers and tenants on the benefits of energy-efficiency upgrades and program participation. The high levels of tenant engagement generate additional savings and value for our clients, property owners and management companies. The outcome of our multifamily projects is a reduction in costs and an increase in property values.